(* – Student or post-doc papers)
- (*)Vary L, Rogers L, Harte M, Howrd R, Ciannelli L (In press). Temperature-dependent spawning behavior and larval thermohaline associations of Bering Sea groundfishes. ICES Journal of Marine Science
- (*)Olmos M, Ianelli J, Ciannelli L, Spies I, McGilliard CR, Thorson JT (2023) Estimating climate-driven phenology shifts and survey availability using fishery-dependent data. Progress in Oceanography 215:103035.
- (*)Lockhart K, Ciannelli L, Wakefield WW (2023). A comparative analysis of sampling methodologies for assessing abundance and distribution of young-of-the-year groundfishes in nearshore soft-sediment habitats. Fisheries Research 264, 106734. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2023.106734
- Straneo F, Slater DA, Bouchard C, Cape MR, Carey M, Ciannelli L, Holte J, Matrai P, Laidre K, Little C, Meire L, Seroussi H, Vernet M (2022) An interdisciplinary perspective on Greenland’s changing coastal margins. Oceanography
- Decker MB, Brodeur RD, Ciannelli L, Britt LL, Bond NA, DiFiore BP, Hunt Jr GL (2023) Cyclic variability of eastern Bering Sea jellyfish relates to regional physical conditions. Progress in Oceanography https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2022.102923
- (*)Howard RA, Ciannelli L, Wakefield WW, Haltuch MA (2022) Comparing fishery-independent and fishery-dependent data for analysis of the distributions of Oregon shelf groundfishes. Fisheries Research:106553.
- Wong-Ala JATK, Ciannelli L, Durski SM, Spitz Y (2022) Particle trajectories in an eastern boundary current using a regional ocean model at two horizontal resolutions. JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS 233.
- Ciannelli L, Cannavacciuolo A, Konstandinidis P, Mirasole A, Wong-Ala JATK, Guerra MT, D’Ambra I, Riginella E, Cianelli D (In second review). Ichthyoplankton assemblages and physical characteristics of two submarine canyons in the south central Tyrrhenian Sea. Fisheries Oceanography
- (*) Endo CAK, Stige LC, Skogen MD, Ciannelli L, Vikebø FV (2022) Two Decades of Match-Mismatch in Northeast Arctic Cod – Feeding Conditions and Survival. Frontiers in Marine Science https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2022.767290
- (*)Li C, Ciannelli L, Bancroft M, Rooker J, Clifford R, Liu H (2022). Interplay of temperature and hypoxia in habitat quality for a juvenile demersal fish in a coastal upwelling system. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (In Press).
- Ciannelli L, Smith E, Kearney K, Hunsicker M, McGilliard C (2022) Greater exposure of nearshore habitats in the Bering Sea makes fish early life stages vulnerable to climate change. Marine Ecology Progress Series 684: 91-102
- Ciannelli L, Neuheimer AB, Stige LC, Frank KT, Durant JM, Hunsicker M, Rogers LA, Porter S, Ottersen G, Yaragina NA (2022) Ontogenetic spatial constraints of sub-arctic marine fish species. Fish and Fisheries 23(2): 342-257
- (*) Sjostrom AJC, Ciannelli L, Conway F, Wakefield WW (2021) Gathering local ecological knowledge to augment scientific and management understanding of a living coastal resource: The case of Oregon’s nearshore groundfish trawl fishery. Marine Policy https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2021.104617
- (*) Correa GM, McGilliard CR, Ciannelli L, Fuentes C (2021) Spatial and temporal variability in somatic growth in fisheries stock assessment models: evaluating the consequences of misspecification. ICES Journal of Marine Science 78, 1872–1886. https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsab096
- (*) Schwartzkopf BD, Ciannelli L, Garza JC, Heppell SA (2021) Growth of juvenile black rockfish (Sebastes melanops) during estuarine residence. Environmental Biology of Fishes 104, 851–865. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10641-021-01106-7
- (*) Howard RA, Ciannelli L, Wakefield W, Fewings MR (2021) The effects of climate, oceanography, and habitat on the distribution and abundance of northern California Current continental shelf groundfishes. Fisheries oceanography https://doi.org/10.1111/fog.12553
- Laurel BJ, Hunsicker ME, Ciannelli L, Hurst TP, Duffy-Anderson J, O’Malley R, Behrenfeld M. (2021) Regional warming exacerbates match/mismatch vulnerability for cod larvae in Alaska. Progress in oceanography https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102555
- (*) Barcelo C, Brodeur RD, Ciannelli L, Daly EA, Risien CM, Saldias GS, Samhouri JF (2021) Time-Varying Epipelagic Community Seascapes: Assessing and Predicting Species Composition in the Northeastern Pacific Ocean. Frontiers in marine science https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2021.586677
- (*) Correa GM, Ciannelli L, Barnett LAK, Kotwicki S, Fuentes C (2020) Improved estimation of age composition by accounting for spatiotemporal variability in somatic growth. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 77, 1810–1821. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjfas-2020-0166
- Thorson JT, Ciannelli L, Litzow MA (2020) Defining indices of ecosystem variability using biological samples of fish communities: A generalization of empirical orthogonal functions. Progress in oceanography https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2019.102244
- Ciannelli L, Tolkova I, Lauth R, Puerta P, Helser T, Gitelman A, Thompson G (2020) Spatial, interannual, and generational sources of trait variability in a marine population. Ecology 101(1)
- Stige LC, Rogers LA, Neuheimer AB, Hunsicker ME, Yaragina NA, Ottersen G, Ciannelli L, Langangen O, Durant JM (2019) Density- and size-dependent mortality in fish early life stages. Fish and Fisheries 20, 962–976. https://doi.org/10.1111/faf.12391
- Litzow M, Ciannelli L, Cunningham CJ, Johnson B, Puerta P. (2019) Nonstationary effects of ocean temperature on Pacific salmon productivity. Canadian Journal of Aquatic and Fisheries Sciences 76 (11), pp.1923-1928
- Litzow M, Ciannelli L, Puerta P, Wettstein J, Rykaczewski RR, Opiekun M (2019) Non-stationary environmental and community relationships in the North Pacific Ocean. Ecology 100(8)
- (*) Stowell MA, Copeman LA, Ciannelli L (2019). Variability in juvenile English sole condition relative to temperature and trophic dynamics along an Oregon estuarine gradient. Estuaries and Coasts 42 (7), pp.1955-1968
- (*) Puerta P, Ciannelli L, Johnson B (2019) A simulation framework for evaluating multi-stage sampling designs in populations with spatially structured traits. Peer J 7
- (*) Puerta P, Ciannelli L, Rykaczewski R, Opiekun M, Litzow M (2019) Do Gulf of Alaska fish and crustacean populations show synchronous non-stationary responses to climate? Progress in Oceanography 175, pp.161-170
- (*) Barnes CL, Beaudreau AH, Hunsicker ME, Ciannelli L (2018) Assessing the potential for competition between Pacific Halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) and Arrowtooth Flounder (Atheresthes stomias) in the Gulf of Alaska. PLOS ONE 13(12)
- Litzow M, Ciannelli L, Puerta P, Wettstein J, Rykaczewski RR, Opiekun M (2018) Non-stationary climate-salmon relationship in the Gulf of Alaska. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B
- (*) Fall J, Ciannelli L, Skaret G, Johannesen E (2018) Seasonal dynamics of spatial distributions and overlap between Northeast Arctic cod (Gadus morhua) and capelin (Mallotus villosus) in the Barents Sea. PLOS ONE 13(10) | https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0205921
- McClatchie S., Gao J, Drenkard EJ, Thompson AR, Watson W, Ciannelli L, Bograd SJ, Thorson JT (2018) Interannual and secular variability of larvae of mesopelagic and forage fishes in the Southern California Current System. Journal of Geophysical Research: Ocean. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JC014011
- * Puerta P, Johnson B, Ciannelli L, Helser TE, Lauth RR (2018) Sub-sampling populations with spatially structured traits: a field comparison of stratified and random strategies Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjfas-2017-0248
- * Koenker BL, Laurel BJ, Copeman LA, Ciannelli L (2018) Effects of temperature and food availability on the survival and growth of larval Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) and walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) ICES Journal of Marine Science. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsy062
- Porter SM, Ciannelli L (2018) Effect of temperature on Flathead Sole (Hippoglossoides elassodon) spawning in the southeastern Bering Sea during warm and cold years. Journal of Sea Research 141: 26-36
- * Sobocinski KL, Ciannelli L, Wakefield WW, Yergey ME, Johnson-Colegrove A (2018) Distribution and Abundance of Juvenile Demersal Fishes in Relation to Summer Hypoxia and Other Environmental Variables in Coastal Oregon, USA. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 205: 75-90
- * Barcelo C, Brodeur R, Ciannelli L (2018) Pelagic marine refugia and climatically sensitive areas in an eastern boundary current upwelling system Global Change Biology 24: 668-680
- Essington TE, Ciannelli L, Heppell SS, Levin PS, McClanahan TR, Micheli F, Plaganyi EE, van Putten IE (2017) Empiricism and Modeling for Marine Fisheries: Advancing an Interdisciplinary Science. Ecosystems 20(20) 237-244
- Reglero P, Santos M, Balbin R, Laiz-Carrion R, Alvarez-Berastegui D, Ciannelli L, Jimenez E, Alemany, F. (2017) Environmental and biological characteristics of Atlantic bluefin tuna and albacore spawning habitats based on their egg distributions. Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies in Oceanography 140: 105-116
- Keller AA, Ciannelli L, Wakefield WW, Simon V, Barth J, Pierce SD (2017) Species-specific responses of demersal fishes to near-bottom oxygen levels within the California Current large marine ecosystem. Marine Ecology Progress Series 568: 151-173
- Langangen O, Ottersen Geir, Ciannelli L, et al. (2016) Reproductive strategy of a migratory fish stock: implications of spatial variations in natural mortality. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 73(12): 1742-1749
- Alvarez-Berastegui D, Hidalgo M, Tugores MP, Reglero P, Aparicio-Gonzalez A, Ciannelli L, et al. (2016) Pelagic seascape ecology for operational fisheries oceanography: modelling and predicting spawning distribution of Atlantic bluefin tuna in Western Mediterranean ICES Journal of Marine Science 73(7): 1851-1862
- * Vestfals C, Ciannelli L, Hoff GR (2016) Changes in habitat utilization of slope-spawning flatfish across a bathymetric gradient ICES Journal of Marine Science 73(7): 1875-1889
- * Puerta P, Hunsicker M, Hidalgo M, Reglero P, Ciannelli L, et al. (2016) Community-environment interactions explain octopus-catshark spatial overlap ICES Journal of Marine Science 73(7): 1901-1911
- * Sohn D, Ciannelli L, Duffy-Anderson J (2016). Distribution of early life Pacific halibut and comparison with Greenland halibut in the eastern Bering Sea. Journal of Sea Research 107: 31-42
- * Barcelo C, Ciannelli L, Olsen EM, Johannessen T, Knutsen H. (2016) Eight decades of fish sampling reveal a contemporary novel fish assemblage along the Skagerrak coast of Norway. Global Change Biology 22(3): 1155-1167
- * Johnson-Colegrove A, Ciannelli L, Brodeur R (2015) Ichthyoplankton distribution and abundance in relation to nearshore dissolved oxygen levels within the Northern California Current system. Fisheries Oceanography 24(6): 495-507
- Longo C., Hornborg S, Bartolino V, Tomczak MT, Ciannelli L, et al. (2015) Role of trophic models and indicators in current marine fisheries management Marine Ecology Progress Series 538: 257-272
- Freitas C, Olsen EM, Moland E, Ciannelli L, Knutsen H (2015) Behavioral responses of Atlantic cod to sea temperature changes. Ecology and Evolution 5(10): 2070–2083
- Keller AA, Ciannelli L, Waldo WW, Simon V, Barth JA, Pierce SD (2015) Occurrence of demersal fishes in relation to near-bottom oxygen levels within the California Current large marine ecosystem. Fisheries Oceanography 24:2, 162–176
- Ciannelli L, Bailey K, Olsen EM. (2015) Ecological and evolutionary constraints of fish spawning habitats. ICES Journal of Marine Science 72(2), 285–296
- Álvarez-Berastegui D, Ciannelli L, Aparicio A, Reglero P, Hidalgo M, Alemany F (2014) Spatial scale, means and gradients of hydrographic variables define pelagic seascapes of bluefin and bullet tuna spawning distribution. PLoS ONE 9(10): e109338. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0109338
- Ciannelli L, Hunsicker M, Beaudreau A, Bailey K, Crowder L, Finley C, Webb C, Reynolds J, Sagmiller K, Anderies JM, Hawthorne D, Parrish J, Heppell S, Conway F, Chigbu P (2014) Transdisciplinary graduate education in marine resource science and management. ICES Journal of Marine Science 71(5): 1047-1051
- * Chen K, Ciannelli L, Decker MB, Ladd C, Cheng W, Zhou Z, Chan KS (2014) Reconstructing source-sink dynamics in a population with a pelagic dispersal phase. PLOS One 9(5) e5316
- * Neidetcher SK, Hurst TP, Ciannelli L, Logerwell EA (2014) Spawning phenology and geography of Bering Sea Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus). Deep Sea Research II Deep Sea Research II 109: 204–214
- * Vestfals C, Ciannelli L, Duffy-Anderson J, Ladd C (2014) Effects of seasonal and interannual variability in along-shelf and cross-shelf transport on groundfish recruitment in the eastern Bering Sea. Deep Sea Research II 109: 204–214
- * Phillips J, Ciannelli L, Brodeur R, Pearcy W, Childers J. (2014) Spatio-temporal associations of albacore tuna catches in the Northeasters Pacific with regional and climate environmental variables. ICES Journal of Marine Sciences 71(7): 1717-1727
- Decker MB, Liu H, Ciannelli L, Ladd C, Cheng W, Chan KS (2013) Linking changes in the eastern Bering Sea jellyfish populations to environmental factors via nonlinear time series models. Marine Ecology Progress Series 494: 179-189
- * Hunsicker M, Ciannelli L, Bailey KM, Zador S, Stige LC (2013). Climate and demography dictate the strength of predator-prey overlap in a subarctic marine ecosystem. PLOS One 8(6) doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0066025.
- Muhling BA, Reglero P, Ciannelli L, Alvarex-Berastegui D, Alemany F, Lamkin JT, Roffer MA (2013). A comparison between environmental characteristics of larval bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) habitat in the Gulf of Mexico and western Mediterranean Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 486: 257-276
- Durant JM, Hidalgo M, Rouyer T, Hjermann DØ, Ciannelli L, Eikeset AM, Yaragina NA, Stenseth NC. (2013) Population growth across heterogeneous environments: effects of harvesting and age structure. Marine Ecology Progress Series 480: 277-287
- Ciannelli L, Fisher JAD, Skern-Mauritzen M, Hunsicker ME, Hidalgo M, Frank KT, Bailey KM. (2013) Theory, consequences and evidence of eroding population spatial structure in harvested marine fishes. Marine Ecology Progress Series 480: 227-243
- Duffy-Anderson J, Blood DM, Cheng W, Ciannelli L, Matarese AC, Sohn D, Vance TC, Vestfals C (2013) Combining field observations and modeling approaches to examine Greenland halibut (Reinharditus hippoglossoides) early life ecology in the southeastern Bering Sea. Journal of Sea Research 75: 96-109
- Reglero P, Ciannelli L, Alvarez-Berastegui D, Balbin R, Lopez-Jurado JL, Alemany F (2012) Geographically and environmentally driven spawning distributions of tuna species in the western Mediterranean Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 463: 273-284
- Ciannelli L, Bartolino V, Chan KS (2012) Nonadditive and nonstationary properties in the spatial distribution of a large marine fish population. Proceeding Royal Society London B 279: 3635-3642
- * Bacheler NM, Ciannelli L, Bailey KM, Bartolino V (2012) Do walleye pollock exhibit flexibility in where or when they spawn based on the variability of water temperature? Deep Sea Research II 65-70: 208-216
- Hidalgo M, Rouyer T, Bartolino V, Cervino S, Ciannelli L, Massuti E, Jadaud A, Saborido-Rey F, Durant JM, Santurtun M, Pinero C, Stenseth NC (2012) Context-dependent interplays between truncated demographies and climate variation shape the population growth rate of a harvested species. Ecography 35(7): 637-649
- * Bartolino V, Ciannelli L, Spencer P, Wilderbauer T, Chan KS (2012) Scale-dependent depletion of natural populations. Marine Ecology Progress Series 444: 251-272
- * Chen K, Chan KS, Bailey KM, Ciannelli L, Aydin K (2012) A probabilistic cellular automata approach for predator-prey interactions of arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes stomias) and walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the eastern Bering Sea. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 69(2): 259-272
- * Hunsicker, M, Ciannelli L, Bailey KM, Buckel J, White W., Link J, Essington T, Gaichas S, Anderson T, Brodeur RD, Chan, KS, Chen K, Englund G, Frank K, Freitas V, Hixon M, Hurst T, Johnson D, Kitchell J, Reese D, Rose G, Sjodin H, Sydeman W, van der Veer H, Vollset K, Zador, S (2011) Functional responses and scaling in marine predator-prey interactions: contemporary issues and emerging concepts Ecology Letters 14(12): 1288-1299
- Auth TD, Brodeur RD, Soulen HL, Ciannelli L, and Peterson WT (2011) The response of fish larvae to decadal changes in environmental forcing factors off the Oregon coast. Fisheries Oceanography 20(4): 314-328
- Laurel B, Hurst T, Ciannelli L (2011) An experimental examination of temperature interactions in the ‘match-mismatch’ hypothesis for Pacific cod larvae. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68(1), 51-61.
- * Bartolino V, Ciannelli L, Bacheler NM, Chan KS (2011) Ontogeny and sex disentangle density-dependent and density-independent spatiotemporal dynamics of a marine fish population Ecology 92(1): 189-200
- * Liu H, Ciannelli L, Decker MB, Ladd C, Chan KS (2011) Nonparametric threshold model of zero-inflated spatio-yemporal data with application to shift in jellyfish distribution. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics 16(2): 185-201
- Bailey KM, Ciannelli L, Hunsicker M, Rindorf A, Neuenfeldt S, Möllman C, Guichard F, and Huse G (2010) Comparative analysis of marine ecosystems: workshop on predator–prey interactions. Biology Letters 6(5), 579-581
- Hurst T, Laurel B, Ciannelli L (2010) Ontogenetic patterns and temperature-dependence of growth rate in early life stages of Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus). Fishery Bulletin 108: 382-392
- * Sohn D, Ciannelli L, Duffy-Anderson J (2010) Distribution and drift pathways of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) early life stages in the Bering Sea. Fisheries Oceanography 19(5): 339-353
- Ciannelli L, Knutsen H, Moland E, Espeland SH, Asplin L, Jelmert A, Knutsen JA, Stenseth NC (2010) Small-scale genetic structure in a marine population in relation to water circulation and egg characteristics. Ecology 91(10): 2918-2930
- * Bacheler NM, Ciannelli L, Bailey KM, Duffy-Anderson JT (2010) Spatial and temporal patterns of walleye pollock spawning in the eastern Bering Sea inferred from egg and larval distributions. Fisheries Oceanography 19(2): 107-120
- * Bacheler NM, Bailey KM, Ciannelli L, Bartolino V, Chan KS (2009) Density-dependent, landscape, and climate effects on spawning distribution of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma. Marine Ecology Progress Series 391: 1-12 (Feature article)
- Hidalgo M, Massutí E, Guijarro B, Moranta J, Ciannelli L, Lloret J, Oliver P, Stenseth NC (2009) Population effects and life-history traits changes under phase transitions induced by long-term fishery harvesting: European hake off the Balearic Islands. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 66 (8): 1355-1370
- Llope M, Chan KS, Ciannelli L, Reid PC, Stige LC, Stenseth NC (2009) Effects of environmental conditions on the seasonal distribution of phytoplankton biomass in the North Sea. Limnology & Oceanography 54(2): 512-524
- Brodeur RD, Decker MB, Ciannelli L, Purcell JE, Bond NA, Stabeno PJ, Acuna E, Hunt GL Jr (2008) Rise and fall of jellyfish in the eastern Bering Sea in relation to climate regime shifts. Progress in Oceanography 77:103–111
- Ciannelli L, Fauchald P, Chan KS, Agostini VN, Dingsør GE. (2008) Spatial fisheries ecology: recent progress and future prospects. Journal of Marine Systems. 71: 223–236
- Litzow, M., Ciannelli L. (2007) Oscillating trophic control induces community reorganization in a marine ecosystem. Ecology Letters 10: 1124–1134
- Ciannelli L, Bailey K, Chan KS, Stenseth NC (2007) Phenological and geographical patterns of walleye pollock spawning in the Gulf of Alaska. Canadian Journal of Aquatic and Fisheries Sciences 64:713-722
- Ciannelli L, Dingsør G, Bogstad B, Ottersen G, Chan KS, Gjøsæter H, Stiansen JE, Stenseth (2007) Spatial anatomy of species survival rates: effects of predation and climate-driven environmental variability. Ecology 88: 635-646
- Dingsør G, Ciannelli L, Chan KS, Ottersen G, Stenseth (2007) Density dependence and density independence during the early life stages of four marine fish stocks. Ecology 88: 625-634
- Knutsen H, Olsen EM, Ciannelli L, Espeland S, Knutsen JA, Simonsen JH,Skreslet S, Stenseth NC. (2007) Egg distribution, bottom topography and small-scale population structure in a coastal marine system. Marine Ecology Progress Series 333: 249-255
- Stige L.C., Stave J., Chan K.-S., Ciannelli L., Pettorelli N., Glantz M., Herren H. R. & Stenseth N. C. (2006) The effect of climate variation on agro-pastoral production in Africa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 103: 3049-3053.
- Stenseth N.C., Llope M., Anadón R., Ciannelli L., Chan K.S., Hjermann D.Ø., Bagøien E., Ottersen G. (2006) Seasonal plankton dynamics along an off-coast gradient. Proceedings of the Royal London Society B, 273: 2831-2838.
- BaileyM., Ciannelli L., Bond N.A., Belgrano A., and Stenseth N.C. (2005) Recruitment of walleye pollock in a complex physical and biological ecosystem: a new perspective. Progress in Oceanography 67: 24-42
- Ciannelli L., Chan K.S., Bailey K.M., Belgrano A. and N.C. Stenseth. (2005) Climate change causing phase transitions of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) recruitment dynamics. Proceedings of the Royal London Society B 272: 1735-1743
- Porter S.M, Ciannelli L., Hillgruber N., Bailey K.M., Chan K.S., Canino M.F., Haldorson L.J. (2005) Analysis of factors influencing larval walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma feeding in Alaskan waters. Marine Ecology Progress Series 302: 207-217
- Swartzman , Winter A., Coyle K., Brodeur R, Buckley T., Ciannelli L., Hunt H., Ianelli J., and A. Macklin. (2005) Relationship of age-0 pollock abundance and distribution around the Pribilof Islands, to other shelf regions of the eastern Bering Sea. Fisheries Research 74 (1-3): 273-287
- Duffy-Anderson T., Bailey K., Ciannelli L., Cury P., Belgrano A. and Stenseth N.C. (2005) Phase-transitions in marine fish recruitment processes. Ecological Complexity 2: 205-218
- Winter A., Swartzman G. and Ciannelli L. (2005) Early- to late-summer population growth and prey consumption by age-0 pollock, in two years of contrasting pollock abundance near the Pribilof Islands, Bering Sea. Fisheries Oceanography 14(4): 207-320
- Ciannelli L., and Bailey K.M. (2005) Landscape dynamics and underlying species interactions: the cod-capelin system in the Bering Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 291: 227-236
- Ciannelli L., Chan K.S., Bailey K.M., and N.C. Stenseth. (2004) Nonadditive effects of the environment on the survival of a large marine fish population. Ecology 85(12): 3418-3427
- Ciannelli, L., Brodeur, R.D., and J.M. Napp. (2004) Foraging impact of age-0 walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) around a frontal structure in the southeast Bering Sea. Marine Biology 144: 515-526.
- Ciannelli, L., Robson, B.W., Francis, R.C., Aydin, K., and R.D. Brodeur. (2004) Boundaries of open marine ecosystems: an application to the Pribilof Archipelago, southeast Bering Sea. Ecological Applications14: 942-953
- Ciannelli, L., Paul, A.J., and R.D. Brodeur (2002) Regional, interannual, and size-related variation of age-0 walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) whole body energy content around the Pribilof Islands, Bering Sea. Journal of Fish Biology 60:1267-1279
- Ciannelli, L., Brodeur, R.D., Swartzman, G.L., and S. Salo. (2002) Physical and biological factors influencing the spatial distribution of age-0 walleye wollock (Theragra chalcogramma) around the Pribilof Islands, Bering Sea. Deep Sea Research II 49: 6109-6126
- Ciannelli, L. (2002) Effects of spatial variability, associated with a frontal structure, on predictions of age-0 walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) growth around the Pribilof Islands, Bering Sea. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Sciences 55: 151-165
- Duffy-Anderson, J.T., Bailey, K.M., and L. Ciannelli. (2002) Consequences of a superabundance of larval walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in the Gulf of Alaska in 1981. Marine Ecology Progress Series 243: 179-190
- Swartzman G.L., Napp, J., Brodeur, R., Winter A., and Ciannelli, L.. (2002) Spatial patterns of pollock and zooplankton distribution in the Pribilof Islands, Alaska nursery area and their relationship to pollock recruitment. ICES Journal of Marine Sciences 59: 1167-1186
- Brodeur R.D., Wilson M.T., Ciannelli L., Doyle M., and J.M. Napp. (2002) Interannual and regional variability in distribution and ecology of juvenile pollock and their prey in frontal systems of the Bering Sea. Deep Sea Research II 49:6051-6067
- Brodeur, R.D., Wilson, M.T., and L. Ciannelli. (2000). Spatial and temporal variability in feeding and condition of age-0 walleye pollock in frontal regions of the Bering Sea. 1997. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 57: 256-264
- Schabetsberger, R., Brodeur, R.D., Ciannelli, L., Napp, J.M., and G.L. Swartzman. (2000) Diel vertical migration and interaction of zooplankton and juvenile walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) at a frontal region near Pribilof Islands, Bering Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science 57:1283-1295
- Ciannelli, L., Brodeur, R.D. and T.W., Buckley. (1998) Development and application of a bioenergetics model for juvenile walleye pollock. Journal of Fish Biology. 52: 879-898
Peer-reviewed articles in journals without Impact Factor
- * Stinton A, Ciannelli L, Reese D, Wakefield W (2014) Using in situ video analysis to assess juvenile flatfish behavior. CalCOFI Reports 55: 158-168
- Amer M., Bilgazyev E, Todorovic S, Kakadiaris I, Shah S., Ciannelli L. (2011). Fine-grained categorization of events in underwater videos by tracking fish. Technical Report: TP-OSU-CS-20110615 Proceedings of IEEE 13th International Conference on Computer Vision, Workshop on Video Event Categorization, Tagging and Retrieval for Real-World Applications. Pp. 8
- Duffy-Anderson, T., Ciannelli, L., Honkalehto, T., Bailey, K. M., Sogard, S.M., Springer, A.M., and T.W. Buckley (2003). Distribution of Age-1 and Age-2 Walleye Pollock in the Gulf of Alaska and Eastern Bering Sea: Sources of Variation and Implications for Higher Trophic Levels. P. 381-394. ‘The Big Fish Bang’ Proceedings of the 23rd Larval Fish Conference, Institute of Marine Research, Bergen
- Bailey, K.M., Ciannelli, L., and V.N. Agostini. (2003) Complexity and constraints combined in hybrid models of recruitment. P. 293-302. ‘The Big Fish Bang’ Proceedings of the 23rd Larval Fish Conference, Institute of Marine Research, Bergen
- Ciannelli, L. (1997) Winter dormancy in the pacific sand lance Ammodytes hexapterus in relation to gut evacuation time. Proceedings of Forage Fishes in Marine Ecosystem. Alaska Sea Grant College Program, AK-SG-97-01: 95-104
- Ciannelli, L., and R.D. Brodeur. (1997) Bioenergetics estimation of juvenile pollock food consumption in the Gulf of Alaska. Proceedings of Forage Fishes in Marine Ecosystem. Alaska Sea Grant College Program, AK-SG-97-01: 71-75
- Ciannelli, L. (2002) Cross-scale analysis of the Pribilof Archipelago ecosystem, southeast Bering Sea, with a focus on age-0 walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Washington, pp 192.
- Ciannelli, L. (1993) Comportamento trofico di Dexamine spinosa (Montagu 1813) (Crustacea, Amphipoda) in praterie a Posidonia oceanica dell’isola d’Ischia, Golfo di Napoli (Italia). Tesi di Laurea. Universita’ degli Studi di Napoli, pp 210.
Peer-reviewed book chapters
- Conway F, Ciannelli L (In press). Wild capture of fisheries: Processes, Technology, and Solutions. In Ocean and Society: An Introduction to Marine Studies, edited by Ana K. Spalding and Daniel O. Suman. Taylor & Francis/Routledge), 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017
- Brander K, Botsford L, Ciannelli L, Fogarty M, Heath M, Planque B, Shannon L, Wieland K (2010) Human impacts on marine ecosystems. In: Barange M, Field JG, Harris RP, Hofmann EE, Perry IR, Werner F (Eds) ‘Marine ecosystems and global change’. Oxford, Biology
- Ciannelli L., Hjermann D.Ø., Lehodey P., Ottersen G., Duffy-Anderson J.T. and N.C. Stenseth. (2005) Climate forcing, food web structure and community dynamics in pelagic marine ecosystems. Invited chapter in: ‘Aquatic Food Webs: an ecosystem approach’. Belgrano A., Scharler U., Dunne J., and R. Ulanowicz (Editors). Oxford University Press. Pp 143-169.